what we do

At Fabee Denim, I bring a rich heritage of denim craftsmanship back to Birmingham. Every pair of our jeans is handmade from start to finish, reflecting our commitment to quality and authenticity.

Our Story:
Growing up in a denim factory, I first encountered the magic of denim. However, in 1992, our family factory closed its doors as manufacturing went abroad. Despite this, I always wanted to revive the tradition of making high-quality denim in Birmingham and to create the best jeans possible. It wasn't something I planned; it just happened that way.

I could have hired someone to make our jeans, but that would have been the easy route. Instead, I started gathering all my denim machinery one by one and taught myself how to make better jeans. This journey led me to manufacture for other brands, where I met amazing people and learned all the technical aspects of pattern making, grading, and manufacturing from A to Z.

Quality and Process:
We source the highest quality materials, cut all the patterns, grade all the sizes, and engineer all the fits—all under one roof. Our hands-on approach ensures that every pair of jeans is crafted with care and precision.

Our Mission:
My mission is simple: to make the best jeans possible. At Fabee Denim, we believe in hard work, dedication, and a passion for denim.

Explore our collections and experience the meticulous care and exceptional quality that define Fabee Denim.

Jeans Made In Birmingham.

We are back producing high quality denim jeans & jackets right here. Built to last.

Explore Jeans